Indivisible NKY District 4

We are a grassroots advocacy group targeting Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. Rand Paul, and Rep. Thomas Massie. We will use a defensive approach purely focused on stopping the current administration from implementing an agenda built on racism, authoritarianism, and corruption. We are also using the same practices laid out in the Indivisible Guide to advocate against the agenda in Kentucky laid out by Gov. Bevin that hurts all working families, poor, and marginalized groups in the state and to be proactive in seeking leaders with progressive ideas to move us forward rather than back.

3 protests

November 2, 2017, 6:30 pm

Florence, KY

Kentucky Politics 101 - Indivisible NKY District 4 Monthly Mtg

November's chapter meeting is Kentucky Politics 101. This is something that has been requested by many of our members, and we feel one year out from the 2018 elections is the perfect time to help educate, energize, and mobilize everyone!


July 7, 2017, 6:30 pm

Covington, KY

Bridging the Gap For Healthcare Rally

Please plan to attend our event: Bridging the Gap For Healthcare! Come join Indivisible NKY District 4, NKY Unites!, Together We Will - Cincinnati/Southwest Ohio, and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio as they rally together to demand that...

April 28, 2017, 5:00 pm

Williamstown, KY

Protest Rally Request for Massie Town Hall

Congressman Massie will be at a paid speaking event sponsored by the Grant County Republican Party but is denying requests and need for a public Town Hall. We are coming together to show him that "We the People" want to speak with him about...